Daniel is a Senior Research Associate, Teaching Fellow and completing PhD student at the Institute for Global Health. A social scientist by training, in recent years his work has focused on community health workers and their performance motivation in Uganda – the subject of his PhD. Recently Daniel’s research focus has returned to early child development through a British Academy Grant in Uganda in collaboration with colleagues at IGH’s Centre for Global Health Economics. This is a long standing area of research interest with Daniel having formerly worked in early child development policy and service development and evaluation primarily in hard to reach Australian communities. He was also involved in the development of an online parenting resource in Australia, the Raising Children Network (www.raisingchildren.net.au). Now based in London, Daniel has worked in the UK, across East Africa and in Australia with a focus on communities and health systems that support improving health and developmental outcomes.
Early Child Development and Nutrition: Luuka District, Eastern Uganda
Innovations at Scale for Community Access and Lasting Effects (inSCALE Project): Western Region, Uganda