Dr Francesco Salustri is an economist with an interest in health behaviour, environmental economics, and social responsibility. He is Assistant Professor of Economics at Roma Tre University and Honorary Lecturer at the UCL Institute for Global Health. Prior to this he joined the UCL Institute for Global Health as a Lecturer in 2020 and held research positions at the University of Oxford, the University of Turin, the London School of Economics, and SOAS. He studied Mathematics in Rome and Economics in Toulouse. In April 2018 he obtained a PhD from University of Rome “Tor Vergata” with a thesis on the behavioural economics of responsible consumption.
At the IGH, Francesco contributes to the research portfolio of the Centre for Global Health Economics and the teaching activities of the MSc in Health Economics and Decision Science. In 2020-21, he served as an economic advisor for the Italian Ministry for Environment, Land and Sea Protection.
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